Sunday, October 30, 2011

Effects on the Media

If someone were to ask me the question: Does media portray antisocial or prosocial behaviors? I wouldn’t be able to pick just one. The media portrays both antisocial and prosocial behaviors. Yes there are a lot of negative effects from the media as I have blogged about, but there are also many positive effects as well that I have also blogged about. For the most part, when it comes to children and teens and how they will be affected by the media I think it is up to their parents or guardians. It is up to them to take action over their children and supervise what they are watching. It is too often that we let our kids go places unsupervised. I don't think they should be allowed to have liberty to the remote control and watch whatever they feel like, it’s just not safe. Some children may not be affected by violence but there are those that are extremely affected and it shows when they go to school or are around other children and lash out in the violence they have viewed on the television. I don’t think that the positive effects of the media should ever be forgotten. As a few of my previous blogs have said there are many great outcomes from the media that are prosocial. I think having educational programs for all ages is great because it allows both entertainment and learning, whether the children know it or not. The effects of the media will always be a controversial issue; It is hard to pay attention to what your child watches every day but I think parents just need to be careful with what they allow their child to become familiar with on television. Without even realizing it you or your child can be affected by what you see on the television even if its intentions aren't bad. With this said, choosing a side with the question “does the media cause prosocial or antisocial effects?” It is just not possible to choose one because it truly is both. I want you to stop for a second and think about the shows you watch on TV daily. Are they prosocial? Antisocial? Both? I hope you will take the information I have blogged about and think about it the next time you sit down and watch television, or maybe even stop for a second and see what your child is watching and think of the effects it might have on them; and as always feel free to let me know what you think! I love comments.


  1. Shannon I would definitely have to agree with you that the media portrays both behaviors. I myself watch both types of behaviors on television. Reading your blog made me really think about what I watch and whether I would allow a little child to watch the same things. In saying that, it is important for parents to differentiate between the two behaviors and then control what their child watches accordingly because as you said both behaviors exist on the television.

  2. I think you are right in that a lot depends on what the parents allow and exemplify. If a parent allows a child to watch shows that degrade women or play games that center around violence, then they need to also teach their children that these are fictional situations and should never be emulated in the real world. I think in today's age where kids are constantly surrounded by media, it is almost impossible for a parent to complete keep their kids away from the antisocial aspects, so teaching the children about what is right and wrong with what they are watching or reading is imperative in ensuring those children know how to act in the real world. You can't control everything your child sees so you have to make sure they know what acceptable and what isn't.

  3. Clayton: Im glad my blog could get your attention about what you will let your kids watch in the future.

    Evan: I agree with everything you stated. Parents to need to teach their kids both sides. Parents have a big influence on their childs life.

    Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it! :)
